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Importing Views

GenomeSpy facilitates reusing views by allowing them to be imported from the same specification by name or from external specification files by a URL. The files can be placed flexibly – it may be practical to split large specifications into multiple files and place them in the same directory. On the other hand, if you have created, for example, an annotation track that you would like the share with the research community, you can upload the specification file and the associated data to a publicly accessible web server. The imported views, both named and URLs, can be parameterized to allow for customization.


import Required

Type: UrlImport | TemplateImport

The method to import a specification.


Type: string

The name given to the imported view. This property overrides the name specified in the imported specification.


Type: (VariableParameter | SelectionParameter)[] | object

Dynamic variables that parameterize a visualization. Parameters defined here override the parameters defined in the imported specification.


url Required

Type: string

Imports a specification from the specified URL.


template Required

Type: string

Imports a specification from the current view hierarchy, searching first in the current view, then ascending through ancestors.

Importing from a URL

Views can be imported from relative and absolute URLs. Relative URLs are imported with respect to the current baseUrl.

The imported specification may contain a single, concatenated, or layered view. The baseUrl of the imported specification is updated to match the directory of the imported specification. Thus, you can publish a view (or a track as known in genome browsers) by placing its specification and data available in the same directory on a web server.

The URL import supports parameters, which are described below within the named templates.

  "vconcat": [
    { "import": { "url": "includes/annotations.json" } },
    { "import": { "url": "" } }

Repeating with named templates

Instead of importing from external files, views can offer named templates for reuse by their descendants. In the example below, the provided specification features a template called "myTrack," which is applied twice, each instance with a unique set of parameters. The imported view can access the parameters using expressions. This approach enables the modification of visual elements through parameter changes, streamlining the creation of varied visualizations from a single template without the need to duplicate the base specification fragment.

  "vconcat": [
      "import": {
        "template": "myTrack"
      "params": [{ "name": "size", "value": 5 }]
      "import": {
        "template": "myTrack"
      "params": { "offset": 3.141, "size": 20 }
  "templates": {
    "myTrack": {
      "params": [
        { "name": "offset", "value": 0 },
        { "name": "size", "value": 10 }
      "data": {
        "sequence": { "start": 0, "stop": 20, "step": 0.2, "as": "x" }
      "transform": [
        { "type": "formula", "expr": "sin(datum.x + offset)", "as": "y" }
      "mark": "point",
      "encoding": {
        "size": { "value": { "expr": "size" } },
        "x": { "field": "x", "type": "quantitative" },
        "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" }