SegmentModel Spy beta An Interactive Visualizer for GATK Segment Models

1. Choose a genome assembly or a sequence dictionary

Choosing a genome assembly instead of a sequence dictionary activates cytoband, GC content, and RefSeq gene tracks.

2. Select files

Please provide at least one of the following files to start visualizing. File types are detected from the TSV header row.

N.B. All data processing takes place in your web browser. Nothing is uploaded anywhere.

Allelic countsMissing. Example: tumor.hets.tsv
Denoised copy ratiosMissing. Example: tumor.denoisedCR.tsv
Modeled segmentsMissing. Example: tumor.modelFinal.seg
or drag and drop here.

No files to play with?

Try the example data sets:

3. Explore the data

Zoom with the mouse wheel or touchpad, pan by dragging or with the touchpad. Hover an item to get details.